March 12th, 1894 Coca Cola started selling its first bottles in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
This drink was originally developed as a non addictive substitute for morphine. Later it was marketed as a non — alcoholic “temperance drink”. John Pemberton a druggist in Columbus, Georgia invented Coca-Cola and the drink soon became very popular throughout the region. The rights to the brand were later given to Asa Griggs Candler. Known as a business tycoon and bought Coca-Cola for only $238.98 (coincidentally died on March 12, 1929)
“I accept extinction as best explaining dis joined species. I see that the same cause must reduced many species of great range to small, to that it may have reduced large generation to so small, and so families.” — Asa Griggs Candler
Coca-Cola was not originally sold in bottles. It was sold in non-alcoholic bars from a fountain. Candler’s nephew told him to sell the drink in bottles to increase his sales. But Candler was not interested in putting it into bottles.
The first person to put Coca-cola was Joseph A Biedenharn, he was the owner of a candy store in Vicksburg, Mississippi. He started putting the drink into bottles with the same idea that it would boost sales. He put the drink into Hutchinson bottles (a common glass bottle for the time). This bottle has not resemblance to the current or modern Coke bottle.